Accueil 5 About us

About us

Who are you Elo?


Hey, I’m Elo, well into my thirties (okay I’m 35!), a few curls, a rather assertive character to hide some deep-seated complexes and a lot of energy to create the life I’ve always wanted. You should know that I created the Copier Colait brand after 12 years of management in the retail industry! And yes, after years of good and loyal service, I get pregnant with my little doll and there, it’s THE trigger. The frantic pace of the big distri is not ideal, if I want to protect this little being that is growing inside me.

This little treasure is my daughter Anaé. She joined Tom and me, in March 2020, in the middle of the first Covid-19 containment! So even if it’s a pain not to be able to introduce your little wonder to the rest of the world for several months, it was still a good thing: I was able to serenely start breastfeeding!

Nearly 2 years later, a baby who gallops in all directions, who chatters as much as her mom, a milky adventure well in place and a brief episode of cervical cancer that is finally over, here I am writing these lines to introduce myself on the web page of the brand I created for her, for me, for her daddy and for all the families from here and elsewhere

Copier Colait was born for all of us, the matchy matchy clothing brand that matches moms and their minis (and dads too!) whether you are breastfeeding or not! And yes, because no matter how you feed your children, the most important thing is to love them!
So that’s it! You know everything, or almost everything 😅 !

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